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Submarine Quiz

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Question 0

The greatest ocean depth at which life exists is?

  • a. 300m
  • b. 850m
  • c. 6000m
  • d. 10700m
Well done that's the right answer.
Sorry, that's the wrong answer.
The correct answer was
d. 10700m
Question 1

What percentage of Earth's surface is covered by water?

  • a. 30%
  • b. 50%
  • c. 70%
  • d. 92%
Well done that's the right answer.
Sorry, that's the wrong answer.
The correct answer was
c. 70%
Question 2

The most deadly risk divers face underwater is?

  • a. Sharks
  • b. Anxiety and Panic
  • c. Malfunctioning equipment
  • d. Hypothermia
Well done that's the right answer.
Sorry, that's the wrong answer.
The correct answer was
c. Malfunctioning equipment
Question 3

In what way is water at the surface different from water at great depth?

  • a. Temperature
  • b. Pressure
  • c. Visibility
  • d. All of the above
Well done that's the right answer.
Sorry, that's the wrong answer.
The correct answer was
d. All of the above
Question 4

The air we breathe is made up of what percentage oxygen?

  • a. 100%
  • b. 79%
  • c. 21%
  • d. 12%
Well done that's the right answer.
Sorry, that's the wrong answer.
The correct answer was
c. 21%

Well done!
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